
Wrote this, commenting on The End of Castle Europe and the First Day of Freedom


"on my visits to Sweden I felt quite at home :-)"

"Viking" is not the same coming from Norway, Denmark or Sweden.

The Swedish Vikings went East and eventually were part of creating Russia in the 9th century, Kievan Rus. Rus in Russia is the Swedish word Ro, which means "row". The Swedish Vikings were rowers as much as sailors. And they were traders more than pirates.

You can read more about this here


In my view, Sweden is not part of Europe. Going to Europe in my youth meant leaving Sweden. This matters. Being hijacked doesn't mean that your origine is in any way changed. Pasted over, but not changed.

That's why in the upcoming elections September 11, there is one party that will introduce the idea of direct democracy as expressed by Moammar Gaddafi :

"it is unthinkable that democracy should mean the electing of only a few representatives to act on behalf of great masses. This is an obsolete structure. Authority must be in the hands of all of the people."


Gaddafi was inspired by Rousseau who wrote:

"T]he moment a people allows itself to be represented, it is no longer free: it no longer exists.”

This political party won't have but one single idea, namely to perform referendums for the people of Sweden on all important issues and then vote accordingly in Parliament. It's a first step to overthrowing the neo-con rule of our land.


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Jan 17, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022Author

One more important fact. Sweden never succumbed to the Euro. Most political parties and unions were in favor of joining the monetary union. There was a period of intense study among people of the pros and cons. And the people voted No! In spite of the pressure from parties, unions and media. Unexpected, to say the least!

It makes a difference. We slipped away from the direct grip of the European Central Bank.

Nor are we a Nato member state (yet!), like Norway and Denmark. The Swedish political class hate Russia, but Swedes in general just don't.

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